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Due to copyright regulations, I am unable to post the majority of the publications on my professional website. However, I have included the hyperlink to the free e-print for several of them (underlined article titles). I would also be happy to email you a copy if interested in any them!

Books (past 10 years)

Trussell, D. E., & Jeanes, R. (Eds.) (Under contract). Families, Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice. Routledge Publishers.


Trussell, D. E., Jeanes, R., & Such, L. (Eds.) (2018). Revisiting family leisure research: Critical reflections on the future of family-centered scholarship. New York: Routledge.


Dr. Ruth Jeanes, Monash University, Australia as well as Dr. Liz Such, Sheffield University, United Kingdom are two scholars who inspire me and are a pleasure to write alongside.

Contributions to Edited Books (past 10 years)

*represents student mentoring


Trussell, D. E., Apgar, J., & *Kovac, L. (2019). Online qualitative methods: Confronting new possibilities and challenges within a social justice perspective. In D. Parry, C. Johnston, & S. Fulgar (eds.) Digital dilemmas: Transforming gender identities and power relations in everyday life (pp. 75-94). Palgrave Macmillan.


Trussell, D. E. (2016). Family leisure. In G. Walker, D. Scott, & M. Stodolska (Eds.), Leisure matters: The state and future of leisure studies (pp. 191-199). State College, PA: Venture.


Trussell, D. E. (2013). Sport and community. In R. E. McCarville & K. J. MacKay (Eds.), Leisure for Canadians (2nd Ed) (pp. 25-31). State College, PA: Venture.


Trussell, D. E. (2013). Youth sport: Visible dads, hidden moms, and gendered children. In V. Freysinger, S. Shaw, K. Henderson, & D. Bialeschki (Eds.), Leisure, Women, and Gender  (pp. 311-323). State College, PA: Venture.


Mair, H., & Trussell, D. E. (2010). Restoring our collective obligation: Exploring opportunities for addressing homelessness and social housing. In H. Mair, S. Arai, & D. Reid (Eds.), Decentring work: Critical perspectives on leisure, social policy, and human development (pp. 203-228). Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press.

Papers in Peer-Refereed Journals (past 10 years)

* represents student mentoring


*Francis Cain, T., & Trussell, D. E. (2019). Methodological challenges in sport and leisure research with youth from refugee backgrounds. World Leisure Journal, 61(4), 303-312. doi:10.1080/16078055.2019.1661106


*Petty, L., & Trussell, D. E. (2019). Leisure self-care, health and well-being in women’s lives. Annals of Leisure Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2019.1652661.


Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Trussell, D., *Evans, M., & *Xing, T. (2019). I am more than a mom: Stories of parental leave during the transition to motherhood in Canada. Social Policy & Administration, 53, 401-415. doi: 10.1111/spol.12472


Trussell, D. E. (2018). Families as agents of social change and justice in communities through leisure and sport experiences. Annals of Leisure Research, 21(1), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2017.1407661  *Invited commentary.


*Petty, L., & Trussell, D. E., (2018). Experiences of identity development and sexual stigma for lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people in sport: ‘Just survive until you can be who you are’. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 10(2), 176-189. doi: 10.1080/2159676x.2017.1393003


Trussell, D. E., *Kovac, L., & Apgar, J. (2018). LGBTQ parents’ experiences of community youth sport: Change your forms, change your (hetero) norms. Sport Management Review, 21(1), 51-62. doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2017.03.003


*Petty, L., Engel, J., Salfi, J., & Trussell, D. E. (2018). Food, body function and leisure for midlife women: “If I partake in that, I will suffer consequences.” Leisure Sciences. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2018.1483849


Trussell, D. E., Jeanes, R., & Such, L. (2017). Revisiting family leisure research and critical reflections on the future of family-centred scholarship. Leisure Sciences, 39(5), 385-399. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2017.1333059


Trussell, D. E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Xing, T., & Evans, M. (2017). Negotiating the complexities and risks of an interdisciplinary qualitative research project. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1-10. doi: 10.1177/1609406917711351


Trussell, D. E. (2017). Parents’ leisure, LGB young people and “when we were coming out”. Leisure Sciences, 39(1), 42-58. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2016.1151844


Paterson, S., Trussell, D., Hebblewaite, S., *Evans, M, & *Xing, T. (2016). Playing with motherhood: The politics of leisure and the transition to motherhood in Montreal and Toronto. Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale, 74, 109-144.


Trussell, D. E. (2016). Young people’s perspectives of parent volunteerism in community youth sport. Sport Management Review. 16, 332-342. doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2015.09.001


Trussell, D. E., *Xing, T., & *Oswald, A. (2015). Family leisure and the coming out process for LGB young people and their parents. Annals of Leisure Research, 18(3), 323-341. doi. 10.1080/11745398.2015.1075224


*Kovac, L., & Trussell, D. E. (2015). ‘Classy and never trashy’: Young women’s experiences of nightclubs and the construction of gender and sexuality. Leisure Sciences, 37, 195-209. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2014.986347


Trussell, D. E. (2015). Pinstripes and breast pumps: Navigating the tenure-motherhood-track. Leisure Sciences, 37, 160-175. doi:10.1080/01490400.2014.980590


Trussell, D. E. (2014). Dancing in the margins: Reflections on social justice and researcher identities. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(3), 342-352.


Trussell, D. E. (2014). Contradictory aspects of organized youth sport: Challenging and fostering sibling relationships and participation experiences. Youth & Society, 46(6), 801-818. doi: 10.1177/0044118X12453058


Trussell, D. E., & Shaw, S. M. (2012). Organized youth sport and parenting in public and private spaces. Leisure Sciences, 34(5), 377-394.


Trussell, D., Sharpe, E., & Mair, H. (2011). Leisure, space and change: Examining a terrain of social struggle and transformation. Leisure/Loisir, 35(2), 91-95.


Sharpe, E., Trussell, D., & Mair, H. (2011). Leisure, space and change: Foregrounding space in critical leisure scholarship. Leisure/Loisir, 35(1), 1-6.


Trussell, D. (2010). Gazing from the inside out during ethically heightened moments. Leisure Studies, 29(4), 377-395.


Trussell, D., & Mair, H. (2010). Seeking judgment free spaces: Poverty, leisure and social inclusion. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(4), 513-533.


Trussell, D., & Shaw, S. (2009). Changing family life in the rural context: Women’s perspectives of family leisure on the farm. Leisure Sciences, 31(5), 434-449.

Edited books
Journal pubs
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